ToeOFF® 2½-sovitusortoosi

ToeOFF® 2½-sovitusortoosi on samanlainen kuin tavallinen ToeOFF® 2½, mutta siihen on laminoitu teksti "Not-for-Resale". Suosittelemme, että ensimmäinen sovitus tapahtuu kävelytuen avulla tai nojapuiden välissä. Jos sovitettaessa tuntuu kipua tai ortoosi on epämiellyttävä, on kokeilu lopetettava. Ortoosi on valmiiksi pehmustettu.


Ortoosi on tarkoitettu vain lyhytaikaiseen käyttöön kävelyä harjoiteltaessa ennen henkilökohtaisen ortoosin valintaa.

Tuotenro. Malli Koko Vas/Oik Kengän koko Jalkapohjan pituus Korkeus
289811010 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. X-Small Vasen 32-35 21 cm 36 cm
289811011 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort. Small Vasen 35-38 23 cm 38 cm
289811012 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. Medium Vasen 38-42 24,5 cm 40,5 cm
289811013 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. Large Vasen 42-45 27 cm 43 cm
289811014 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. X-Large Vasen >45 28,5 cm 45 cm
289812010 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. X-Small Oikea 32-35 21 cm 36 cm
289812011 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. Small Oikea 35-38 23 cm 38 cm
289812012 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. Medium Oikea 38-42 24,5 cm 40,5 cm
289812013 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. Large Oikea 42-45 27 cm 43 cm
289812014 ToeOFF® 2½ sov.ort.ilm. X-Large Oikea >45 28,5 cm 45 cm
289831010 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä X-Small Vasen 32-35 21 cm 36 cm
289831011 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä Small Vasen 35-38 23 cm 38 cm
289831012 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä Medium Vasen 38-42 24,5 cm 40,5 cm
289831013 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä Large Vasen 42-45 27 cm 43 cm
289831014 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä X-Large Vasen >45 28,5 cm 45 cm
289832010 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä X-Small Oikea 32-35 21 cm 36 cm
289832011 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä Small Oikea 35-38 23 cm 38 cm
289832012 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä Medium Oikea 38-42 24,5 cm 40,5 cm
289832013 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä Large Oikea 42-45 27 cm 43 cm
289832014 ToeOFF 2½ sov.ort. D-lenkillä X-Large Oikea >45 28,5 cm 45 cm
Energy expenditure in stroke subjects walking with a carbon composite ankle foot orthosis

Author: Danielsson A, Stibrant Sunnerhagen K.

Source: J Rehabil Med 2004; 36: 165–168

One clinic's experience with carbon fiber orthoses in neuromuscular disease


Source: Muscle Nerve 000:000–000, 2016

Efficacy of prefabricated carbon-composite ankle foot orthoses for children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy exhibiting a drop foot pattern.
Characterization of Defects in Polymaer Composites Used in Medical Devices by Means of X-ray Microtomography.

Author: Roberts Joffe, Fredrik Forsberg, Henrik Lycksam, Anders Sjögren

Source: ICTMS 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures, 26-30 June 2017, Lund, Sweden

Multiplanar Stiffness of Commercial Carbon Composite Ankle-Foot Orthoses.
Comparison of five different methodologies for evaluating ankle–foot orthosis stiffness.
Carbon fiber ankle-foot orthoses in impaired population

Author: Megan M. Grunst, Robert C. Wiederien and Jason M.

Source: A systematic review Prosthetics and Orthotics International 2023

A Pilot Study to Assess the Immediate Effect of Dynamic Carbon Ground Reaction Ankle Foot Orthoses on Balance in Individuals with Charcot-Marie-Tooth in a Clinical Setting

Author: Burke K1,2, Cornell K1,3, Swartz Ellrodt A1,2, Grant N1,2, Paganoni S2,4,5 and Sadjadi R1,2*

Source: CMT study.2021

Preliminary research suggests the use of a kinetic return ankle foot orthosis is associated with small but significant shortterm increases in calf circumference, which in turn suggests [...]

Preliminary research suggests the use of a kinetic return ankle foot orthosis is associated with small but significant shortterm increases in calf circumference, which in turn suggests this type of device might reduce or protect against the risk of disuse muscle atrophy.

Author: Robert H. Meier, CO, BOCO; David C. Ruthsatz, CO, CPA; and Daniel, Cipriani, PT, PhD. 

Source: Lermagazine 2014

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